
Quick Summary:

I was raised in a Christian family, saved at 15, worked 2 years at CBN, 4 at ORU, 8.5 at PTL, and 15 years helping many other ministries with their lighting. After leaving PTL we started our present company that has grown to over 50 employees. God is a very important part of my life. I know He still loves me, because He still disciplines me when I stray. My wife and I set up this website to encourage the church in repentance, holiness and purity.

More details below:

Prior to Nov 7th 1970, I was just aimlessly drifting. That night I was invited to a church service at Rock Church in Norfolk Va. I did not particularly listen to what was said, but when the speaker asked for people who wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit to go over to a prayer room, I went out of curiosity. They prayed for me for about an hour and nothing happened. I was asked if I was a Christian, and I replied that I was not. “You dummy! You can’t be filled with the Spirit if you are not a Christian! Do you want to be?”, “Sure”, and then I prayed for God to forgive my sins, and for Jesus to come into my heart. There was a feeling of relief and peace that I cannot explain, and later that night I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit. 

The next day I woke up thinking that all that I had experienced the previous evening was just a bunch of junk. I went to school and as I walked down the hall, person after person walked up to me to ask, “What happened to you!” I was changed, everything about me had changed, and everyone could see it just by looking at me. Jesus had changed me and I was a new creature in Him. We had a revival at our high school. Many people became Christians and such peace went into their heart. It changed the atmosphere at the school. Peace and forgiveness are a free gift from God if we simply ask and acknowledge Jesus as our savior. Then we can spread this peace to all in our circles who will accept Him. (If you are curious… the salvation tab on the left of the website gives many scriptures to support what happened to me.)

Pat Robertson’s kids went to my school, and every Friday and Saturday night we got together with the kids from high school in his garage. We sang, read the bible, prayed, and lots of kids got saved. In 1972 Pat hired me as a cameraman for CBN. Dede Robertson strongly encouraged me to go to college while I was lighting the 700 club in Dallas, TX. I left CBN in 1974 and attended ORU for 4 years majoring in business management with a minor in telecommunications. While at ORU I was the head electrician for the TV lighting crew, as well as on the road lighting monthly partner events with Richard and Patty Roberts. While at ORU, I met my wife Joyce, an education major, and the most beautiful and smartest girl I have ever met. We were married in 1977. After graduation in 1978, God led me to the PLT television network working as their senior lighting director. While there I was responsible for all of the TV, concert and dramatic lighting, as well as designing and installing all of the lighting systems at Heritage USA. Over one and a half million people were saved during the PTL television network’s ministry, and some of the best Christians I’ve ever met worked there.

In 1985 David Wilkerson, (The Cross and the Switchblade), stopped by PTL to privately deliver a message to the leadership of PTL. He told them that they were worshiping wood and concrete and that God would not share His glory with these idols. David was mocked by the leadership. David replied that PTL would be destroyed and there would be birds flying through the deserted, broken windows of the latest construction project, the Heritage Grand Tower, if they did not repent. It seemed impossible at the time.

After this event, I timed the Gospel content of the show daily. 2 minutes of talking about Jesus per hour was average. Three minutes about Jesus was a big day. The rest of the show was the Heritage USA promotional Hour. My last day at PLT was Dec 31st, 1986. God started the judgement in early 1987 after allowing ample time for repentance. Several years later hurricane Hugo, still a category 2 hurricane passing PTL, broke the upper windows of the hotel, and over the years the bird droppings on the top floor were deposited knee deep. Today it is hard to find the few remaining remnants of Heritage USA. I have to say that all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God. God is calling all of us to repentance.

We started The Light Source part time in 1984 mainly to help churches with their lighting. After leaving PTL we ran the company full time and traveled up to 260 days per year with our family of 6. Joyce home schooled our four children both at home and on the road. We almost always traveled together. Life is better that way! Our family has grown, now with nine grandchildren. Still doing some homeschooling with the grandkids. Joyce has created some amazing curriculum for them. No longer on the road, our manufacturing company has grown to over 50 employees in 63,000 square feet. We manufacture LED lighting, power distribution and hanging hardware. The majority of our products are used in churches, and throughout all aspects of the entertainment industry.

In David Wilkerson’s 1985 book, “Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth”. David wrote that the final warning to America would be the oil fields of the middle east ablaze, and the smoke rising day and night as a warning of the coming economic ruin, burning, and total destruction of America. Jeremiah 28:8-9(NKJV) The prophets who have been before me and before you of old prophesied against many countries and great kingdoms—of war and disaster and pestilence. As for the prophet who prophesies of peace, when the word of the prophet comes to pass, the prophet will be known as one whom the Lord has truly sent.” So, the proof of a prophet is that what he said comes true. David is at least two for two. As we make our plans and do our work David said everything we do must be evaluated by; “What does it have to do with repentance?”

We have been warned! We must repent! Maybe God will turn away His wrath from us.